How to fold jeans

How to fold jeans Harmony Home Organizing Clothes folding tips to save drawer space This is how I fold jeans. It’s my origami folding technique.
How to fold shorts

How to fold shorts Harmony Home Organizing Clothes folding tips to save drawer space Your shorts will fit perfectly in your drawer with this origami technique.
How to fold socks

How to fold socks Harmony Home Organizing Clothes folding tips to save drawer space In this video, you will learn how to fold socks like a pro.
How to fold a sport bra

How to fold a sport bra Harmony Home Organizing Clothes folding tips to save drawer space
Donation to Ukrainian charity

Donation to Ukrainian charity After we help our clients decluttering and organizing their homes. We drop off their donations such as clothes, shoes, kitchen items or household items to Ukraine Harmony Foundation. We are happy to help families in any way we can.
Declutter Storage

Declutter Storage in Vancouver Is your storage filled with stuff? You might even don’t remember what’s in there. Don’t worry we can help you to declutter your storage and take away items you don’t need any more for donation. Reach out today and we can make your storage organized.
Remove original packaging and save space

Remove original packaging and save space Here is why you should remove original packaging from products when organizing your home Product packaging is bulky and can take up valuable storage space. The cupboards look tidier and you can see things more clearly. You can grab what you need quickly. You can always see what’s low […]
Do you need to prepare your home for sale in Vancouver?

Do you need to prepare your home for sale in Vancouver? Harmony Home Organizing | Professional Home & Office Organizer Call today for a free phone consultation 604-446-3939 Harmony Home Organizing can also prepare your home for sale. Before After This home has a beautiful master closet that needed some organization to present the […]
How you can stage your closet

This is how you can stage your closet: 1. Pack everything that is not the bear minimum and send it to your storage. 2. Put away all personal items like family pictures 3. Use hangers of the same kind throughout 4. Hang clothes grouping them by the size of their sleeves and color 5. Keep […]