Top 10 Home Organizing Tips for a Clutter-free Life

It’s no secret that clutter and disorganization impact our stress levels and mental health. Living amongst clutter can not only cause a lack of focus and feeling overwhelmed but can also cause anxiety and depression.

In one study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, researchers discovered that a cluttered bedroom may also significantly affect your quality of sleep, and we all know how important good sleep is to maintaining our health.

So what exactly IS clutter?  It can be an accumulation of just too many things, but it can also be more of an organizational issue. If items don’t have a “home” of their own (a place for everything and everything in its place), then a space can feel cluttered.

Below we’ve compiled our top 10 home organizing tips to help you live a clutter-free life.

Start Small

This is the key to not getting overwhelmed. If you have years of clutter hiding in every closet, cupboard, or nook and cranny, you will not be able to tackle it all in one day. To make it manageable, make a list of all areas of your home that need organizing, and then break it down even further, like this:

Master Bedroom:


Then, tackle one small area at a time.


Decluttering is crucial to living in an organized space. When you select an area to focus on, get rid of the easiest things first, like junk mail, old receipts and lists, and expired items (food, makeup, beauty products).

Grab three boxes or baskets and label them Keep, Toss, Donate, so you can sort quickly. Once you’re done with an area, toss and donate the unwanted items as soon as possible (there’s no need for them to clutter up another area of your home!)

Like with Like

Not only does storing similar items together make it easier to find those items when you’re looking for them, but it will also prevent you from buying unneeded extras (creating more clutter).

Maximize Storage Solutions

Many of our homes have wasted space. You can increase your storage space easily by using the right solutions for walls,, under beds, or inside small closets.

For example, under-bed storage solutions are great for storing seasonal clothing and items that are not used often. Stylish wall-mounted coat racks are a great way to increase your storage space and hanging closet organizers are a great way to multiply your storage space, especially in small closets.


I can’t emphasize this one enough – no matter how many times you think you’ll remember exactly what’s in that tote, the grain that is in those cute storage jars, or where you put the package of furniture floor protector pads, you will forget.

And if masking tape and a sharpie aren’t your style, don’t worry! There are so many options to customize labels to fit your aesthetic, that the possibilities are endless!

One in One Out

Once your home is decluttered and organized, you want to keep it that way, and one in/one out is a simple method to help you do just that. This is especially handy for clothing, bedding, linens, etc, but can be applied anywhere in your home. When you bring something new home (a new t-shirt, pair of jeans, or dishcloth set, for example), remove an old one in its place and either toss, or donate.

Ditch the Junk Before it Invades

Get in the habit of leaving the junk(mail) outside. It is easy to say you’ll look at it later, only to have a mountain of junk mail (or lists, receipts, etc) take over your hall table or kitchen counter. So get ahead of it by not even bringing it into the house! When you check your mail, separate it right then and there, and toss the junk mail in the recycle bin before you walk in the door.

Daily Declutter

Pick 10 minutes in your day, when you will do a small sweep of your home and remove or put away any visible clutter. This can be before you leave in the morning, or, if your mornings are hectic, maybe right after dinner or before bed.

Get Your Family Involved

If you live with family or roommates, get everyone involved. Imagine how easy it would be if everyone pitched in with the daily declutter? If you’ve got children, you know how they love to play games, so make the daily declutter a timed event and race!

Ask for Help

While the above tips seem simple, decluttering and organizing a home can be very overwhelming and stressful. But you don’t need to do it alone. No matter where you live, there are home organizers who would love to help you