We Spring Clean, but What About a Fall Clean?

The shorter, cooler days are quickly approaching, and as we are soaking in the last bits of summer, it is a great time to start preparing your home for the fall. Many of us do a Spring Clean to start the summer, but how many do a Fall Clean? Fall is a great time to declutter your home, organize your things, transition over summer items to storage and bring out your fall clothes and decor.

So, Where Do I Start?

Closets and drawers are a great place to start. This is the best time to go through your summer clothes and pare down the items in your closet to the ones you use most often. You can swap out the excess pieces you don’t wear as often, for some of your fall clothes, such as light sweaters, pants and shoes.

Underbed storage totes are a smart and easy way to make this process quick and painless. As the days continue to get chillier, you can continue to swap out more of your summer items for your fall and winter clothes.

As you swap items out, try on your fall clothes before giving them space in your closet. If they no longer fit, throw them into a donation pile. If they don’t give you “I LOVE THIS!” vibes, consider putting it in the donate pile. There is no use storing clothes that you won’t wear. Plus, you will probably bring in new items over the fall and winter, and by getting ahead, you will ensure your closet doesn’t become overwhelmed.

Storage Rooms, Basements, and Garages

These spaces usually become catch-alls in our homes. They are often the forgotten places where underused items go to collect dust and be forgotten about forever. To ensure that doesn’t happen, go through these spaces once or twice a year.

The end of summer is a great time to clear out these spaces and organize and store all the summer items you are finished using for the season (paddleboards, camping gear, beach umbrellas, chairs and sand toys). Keeping these items together will help you find everything you need again next summer!

You can also use this as a chance to rotate your seasonal items. Store your summer items at the back of the closet or shelf, and bring forward any fall decor, Halloween, Holiday, and Christmas items. Not only will they be easily accessible, but you can also look through each bin to take stock of what you have. This will help ensure you don’t buy duplicate items. It’s easy to forget exactly what we have in storage, so if you take a peek at what is there, you will be less likely to buy excess items.

Kitchen and Bathrooms

If you decluttered and organized in the spring, this should be an easy task. Have a quick look through your pantry and cupboards and see if there’s anything (homemade popsicle moulds, cooler bags, etc) that can be stored away until next summer.

Take this opportunity to look through your food items (crackers, canned goods, pasta, cereals, etc) and any beauty products to ensure nothing has been pushed to the back of the cupboard, and nothing has expired.

We hope these tips have given you a little boost to prepare your home for the fall, but if you still need a little help or guidance, we are here for you! Contact us for your free phone consultation, and let us bring harmony to your home!