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From Home to Haven: 7 Tips for a Warm and Cozy Winter

Home organization

Like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day, or a bowl of warm soup on a cold Winter evening, your home should “refresh” you. That’s why, as these Fall months progress to Winter, your sights should be set on more than just Halloween or Christmas decorations. Why not set them on maximizing your home comfort, especially as the weather darkens and drops? Maximizing your home comfort might sound too vague or abstract to execute. Fortunately, I’ve broken down the process into 7 tips. Read ahead if you’re interested in going from home to haven.

1. “Spruce Up” Your Home With Plants

Don’t let the dead Winter months stop you from bringing life into your home! Adding some green to the scene does wonders for relaxation, stress reduction, and comfort. From floor plants and orchids to succulents and cacti – there’s something to be said about bringing the “outdoors” into our homes.

2. Consider Soft Lightning

The sun sets earlier during the Fall-Winter months, but that doesn’t mean you need to call it a night at 7 pm. While many use fluorescent or blue lights to counter early fatigue, they are actually quite harmful and “grating” on the eyes. Instead, opt for a softer, golden yellow lightbulb or lamp. Or try an LED light that mimics the warmth and coziness of candlelight. Either way, they’re both bound to set the mood for relaxation.

3. Hang Wall Pictures

Though the weather’s getting colder, it’s actually one of the “warmest” times of the year. The Western traditions of Thanksgiving and Christmas provide unique opportunities for loved ones to spend quality time with each other. As such, each year, nonstop photo sessions usually ensue. So why not dig out some old Christmas cards, family photos, and gifted ornaments? They won’t literally make your place warm, but the memories they evoke will be.

4. Purchase Some Rugs

Cold floors? Cold feet? No thank you. It’s hard to feel warm and cozy when you’re afraid of stepping on the floor due to shock from the coldness. An affordable solution to completely carpeting your home is purchasing some cute, strategically-placed rugs. For example, your feet are bound to hit the floor by your bed, under your desk or table, in front of your rocking chair or recliner, etc.

5. Purchase Some Slippers

For all intents and purposes, when it comes to protecting your feet, I’d also highly recommend purchasing a cozy pair of indoor slippers, also to be strategically placed in the house (i.e., by the main entrance). As soon as you get in from a wet or snowy Vancouver night, simply slip into your slippers. You’ll immediately keep your feet warm without tracking any snow, salt, or water inside!

6. Update Your Bedding

There’s nothing better than a warm, cozy bed that hugs you as you sleep. While this might seem overbearing during the Spring-Summer months, they’re definitely warranted in the winter. That’s why it’s worth switching those crisp cotton and linen fabrics out for some warmer jersey or flannel sheets. For example, a flannel quilt draped over the foot of your bed could be a nice touch for those extra-chilly nights. Moreover, whether it’s for your couch, bed, or both, some extra-fluffy, nicely-textured throw pillows would certainly seal the deal when it comes to comfort and coziness.

7. Swap Out Your Curtains

Finally, speaking of fabrics, why not warm up your windows with a heavy velvet curtain that boasts a thermal lining? Not only will this help insulate against the cold, but it’ll enhance the cozy aesthetic you’re seeking. Your home is your haven, especially when it’s too cold, damp, or dark to enjoy the outdoors. Therefore, the benefits of beautifying your home cannot be overstated. Are you keen to get started? If so, hire a professional organizer today!