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How to Get Your House in Order without Buying Anything New

Home organizer

With all the time you’re spending in your home these days, you’ve likely noticed that there’s plenty of items lying around that you hardly use, or food that’s gone bad but is still sitting in the back of your fridge. However, with this extra downtime and lack of visitors, now is the perfect opportunity to finally get your house in order. So, it’s time to toss out any junk that’s managed to sit on your nightstand for far too long, and throw out those old, expired salad dressings to go, along with the broken can opener that still hasn’t made its way to the garbage. 

While the thought of decluttering and reorganizing your home can be overwhelming, it’s much more doable than you think. Better yet, it can all be done without needing to purchase anything new. To help you get started, we pulled together tips from decluttering and organizing experts living in Nashville all the way to professionals living in Vancouver, BC (and many more in between). Here’s how to get your house in order without buying anything new.

Get your bathrooms spick-and-span 

Only keep your daily essentials out

Get rid of items that you don’t remember when you bought and only keep out products that are used on a regular basis. To keep your bathroom counters clear, only have essentials, like hand soap, out and be sure to put away everything after you’re done using it. – Olena Dibrivna, Harmony Home Organizing

Place frequently used items together and store the rest elsewhere

Instead of organizing your drawers by category, put one of each item for your daily routine neatly in the top drawer and store your extras in the lower drawers or a cabinet. This saves you from opening multiple drawers when you get ready. – Nonnahs Driskill, Get Organized Already!

Keep things neat by rolling towels instead of folding them

By folding a towel in half and then rolling it up into a log shape, you can neatly stack towels on a shelf or in a cabinet and pull one out without making a mess of the remaining towels. – Rachel Fontaine, Fontaine Organizing

There’s no need to purchase new storage containers: make use out of household items

Prevent avalanches of small essentials by storing them in containers you can find around the house. Use narrow drawer organizers for dental floss, cosmetics, tweezers, and other implements; use small food storage containers for hair accessories; even a shot glass for cotton swabs. – Lisa Zaslow, Gotham Organizers

Re-purpose unused toiletries specifically for guests

Collect all samples or extra products that you’ve yet to use and put them in a space for guests or in the guest bathroom if you have one. It will make them feel like they’re enjoying a luxury experience when they stay with you, while also clearing out your unused clutter. – Matlin Pessarra, Minimized

Consider the user-experience as you reorganize

Think about the “user experience” of your bathroom and add a little empathy. What would you like to have near you when you are using its various functions? Think comforting convenience, like your towel rack being within reach of your shower or your extra toilet paper being within arms’ length of the toilet itself. – Amelia McGee, Amelia McGee Home Styling

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